During the Middletown Valley Craft Festival, Darryl and I visited The Moonshine Forge. I asked Joe, the owner, if he would be interested in making a clasp for a Family Bible. The catch remained on the front cover, but the back-cover plate and leather strap had disappeared. He took on the challenge and produced a beautiful, custom clasp that matched the catch on the Bible cover. When he came to our home to attach it, I saw that our work is similar in many ways. We must fit, shape, cut, color, and clamp (or press) in order to create a piece, or a mend, that looks smooth and finished. No one sees the detail work that takes up so much time, but they would notice if it were not done. I appreciated being present for part of the process.
The completed Bible. |
Worn corners before repair. |
Fitting the back cover plate. |
Filing the edge. |
Clamping the strap and its plate into place. |
The corners after repair. |