Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas gifts

Christmas projects are completed! My in-laws remember the 1930s Depression, and they appreciate antique and recycled items. So I've repaired books for them and will post a photo after Christmas. For other family members, I collected a box of books and sent it last week; my brothers and their families get to choose which ones they want. I know who I have in mind for each book, but I don't label them. It'll be fun to see if I guessed correctly.

The used-book business is booming at Wonder Book. Friday night, everybody was in for movies before the predicted snowstorm. Saturday, after boasting about how I grew up in northern Michigan and wasn't afraid of driving in the snow..... I had to make the phone call of shame to say I wasn't coming in to work after all because our street was unplowed and my car didn't even make it to the neighbor's driveway. Fortunately our manager and a couple of others were champs and the store opened that snowy day.

It seems my contact information has been missing. To schedule an evaluation for book repair, email me at tawnoconner1@verizon.net, or call 301-371-4365.