Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Making a Bible Clasp

During the Middletown Valley Craft Festival, Darryl and I visited The Moonshine Forge. I asked Joe, the owner, if he would be interested in making a clasp for a Family Bible. The catch remained on the front cover, but the back-cover plate and leather strap had disappeared. He took on the challenge and produced a beautiful, custom clasp that matched the catch on the Bible cover. When he came to our home to attach it, I saw that our work is similar in many ways. We must fit, shape, cut, color, and clamp (or press) in order to create a piece, or a mend, that looks smooth and finished. No one sees the detail work that takes up so much time, but they would notice if it were not done. I appreciated being present for part of the process.

The completed Bible.

Worn corners before repair.

Fitting the back cover plate.

Filing the edge.

Clamping the strap and its plate into place.
The corners after repair.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Guild of BookWorkers Newsletter

The Guild of BookWorkers Newsletter arrived in my mail today. It's an interesting experience to imagine a bookbinding project, develop it at home, and then send it out into the world. Now here it is, behind glass and in print.