Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Bookbinder’s Quarantine Part 2

Today I finished the repair of “A Child’s Garden of Verses.” The client will come in an hour or so and we’ll do a handoff on the porch. I appreciate having this work.... no others in the pipeline for now. The repair looks modest, so I include the repair sheet that lists all the steps. I forgot to put in that I made new endsheet sections with linen hinges so that will be a handwritten note on the sheet.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Bookbinder's Quarantine

Recently I saw a photo of a bookbinder with the caption: "They told us to stay home and we didn't notice." That's not too far off in my case (though I miss my part-time job at Wonder Book, which is closed). I haven't posted new work in a long time. Here are a few catch-up photos from the past few months.

A Bible rebacking, with the original spine ready to apply to the new spine.

A collection of my work here includes older work.

This was a fun project for a Secret Santa gift to a coworker at Christmas.

A thank-you card to a friend whose name is spelled out on the reverse.
I'm currently repairing a 1915 edition of Robert Louis Stevenson's "A Child's Garden of Verses" for a client.